Dear Colleagues,
Two years after the 19th Congress in Tehran, we hereby invite you to 20th Iranian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology due to be held during, 10-14th October 2011 in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, IRAN
The Scientific Committee has planned an exciting and most interesting program covering all aspects of Physiology and Pharmacology Including cellular and molecular advances as well as basic and clinical research in both fields. Symposiums will provide exciting scientific discussions including all interdisciplinary aspects and presence of our young scientists and students with the national pioneers no doubt will provide an outstanding educational environment. Hamadan is a nice historic city and at the time of the congress a plenty to see in it.
We hope that by joining us you will help to promote the fruitfulness of the congress and as the organizing committee we are looking forward to seeing you.
Abdolrahman Sarihi Ph.D.
Congress Secretary
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